Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter Colds, Cold Weather

Well, we all have a yucky winter cold, yes yucky, I've been a mom for 20 years and the best way I know to describe it is yucky. Fevers, runny noses, some chills, no sleep, coughing and LOTS and LOTS of snot, so YUCKY!! Hopefully it is about to run it's course right out the door, it is showing signs of winding down.

I think it would be easier to tolerate these colds if we could open our windows in to let in some lovely spring air. However, its January in IL and its 12 degrees outside so that is NOT an option. I can NOT wait until spring.

Since Sis has been sick she has developed a genuine love of Shrek. Everyone on the house can quote everyline to the orignal movie. Fortunately we found Shrek 2 and 3 over the weekend and have been able to shake things up a little. Her fave part in 3 is "the pooking baby" ( puking baby.)

Off to wipe noses, because PS the little fella I watch has the same cold and him and Sis are currently wiping snot across their cheeks while Mommy/Steffie is playing on the computer.

PS Hope to be back later today with some info about my now 20 year old son and baby Ella.

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