Thursday, December 11, 2008

Quirky Things

Ok, I've been tagged by my cousin Rochelle to do this Quirky things thing. So here goes, better late then never I hope!

1. I can pick things up with my toes, and do often, it's especially useful while doing housework, for example rescuing a stray sock from the vacuum, I can also pinch very hard with them.

2. I'm terrified, absolutely ridiculously terrified of tornadoes.

3. I also like ketchup on my eggs and potatoes.

4. I keep my car clock set 20 minutes early at all times so I'm never late.

5. I sleep better if my Bible is next to me or under my pillow.

6. I obsessively check to make sure the smoke alarms are on and working.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sissy is 18 months!!


We went for Maddis 18 month check up today, WOW, I can't believe she's already 1 1/2. Anyway, she's doing very well, meets or exceeds all expectations for her age. She acted like the little diva she is showing off her outfit to everyone in the office, espcecially her new boots she conned me into at Old Navy. Oh, her stats 22.2 lbs and 32 inches. Tall and skinny on the growth chart. The picture is of her dancing on the front porch in her new snow boots.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Didn't really do anything exciting this weekend. Just enjoyed another beautiful one. It was actually the Fall Color Drive in our neck of the woods. So, a lot of traffic in our town. We mostly just ignored it. Played outside alot, took a few walks and talked about a weiner roast but didn't go through with it.

Heres a few pics




Friday, October 17, 2008


Hmmm, seems like forever since I've blogged again. It's not that I don't have anything to say, I always have LOTS to say. I have been enjoying the most beautiful wonderful fall.

The kids are all doing wonderful. The most exciting thing currently is that Michael FINALLY took his GED test. I'm really excited it seems like he's making some good choices right now. Unfortunately the car business is really slow, but thats prompted him to make some new life choices. His new plan is to find a job working evening shift and start taking college classes towards education during the day. Sooooo, I may end up with two of my children as teachers YAY!!

Last weekend the girls and I got to meet "The Uncles" for supper. It was really nice, it had been a long time since we had seen them and I'm pretty sure a good time was had by all. The girls think they are very cool. I think Meg and Uncle Dave especially enjoy their visits.

On Sunday Mike and Michael went drag racing and Mike took 2nd place in his division. I'm very proud of him, he's worked very hard to get that car where it's at.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

Yesterday was the 21st anniversary of my fathers death. It would have also been his 55th birthday. He died on his 34th, that is 3 years younger then what I am now.

The subject of my dad is tied up with so many different emotions that I rarely talk about him to be honest. My dad left my mom, my sisters and I 3 years before he died and we never saw or spoke to him again. I was 13 years old when he left and 16 when he died. I did receive one letter from him in that 3 year time span. For many years I took it out and read it often, then just on his birthdays ( again, ironically also the anniversary of his death). I didn't read it this year and didn't mention out loud to anyone, even those that know what the day was.

The day after he died we found out that we had a stepmother and two year old brother.

When my dad first left all those years ago I was devastated, as were my sisters. We were also very angry and went back in forth between those two emotions, often having them at the same time. I wrote him a few letters, some sad and weepy and some full of anger, bitterness and why? I have often worried that the last letter he received was an angry one, I hope not.

A lot of people were surprised that dad left. I was not. My parents did not have a healthy relationship, and honestly my dad was not a healthy person at the time. My mom was not perfect either, but she did not deserve what she got during their marriage or after.

Over the years it has been difficult for me to reconcile the two people my dad could be with the one that he was, does that make sense?? He could be awful, I mean really awful. But he could also be really wonderful.

Dad loved God, even when he was lost I believe he had that in his heart. Dad taught us to love God also, and I thank him for that. He read to us often from the Bible. Random verses that he felt applied at the time. Always finishing with 1st Corinthians 13. He wanted us to know this. He would lay at the foot of my bed and read to his 3 daughters. It's the clearest good memories I have of him and I hold them dear in my heart.

Over the years I have sometimes only been able to focus on the bad memories and the sadness of abandonment and the issues that left my sisters and I dealing with.

Now, at this point in my life I feel sadness, some sadness for myself and the little girl inside that sometimes still wants and needs a daddy. Sadness for my children that don't have a grandpa. Mostly I feel sadness for him. He had wonderful potential in so many ways. I feel sad for the man he sometimes was and could have always been. I feel sad for the father that missed so many things while his little girls were growing up ( and his son). I feel sad that he's not here to see the amazing women that we've become and how close we are and how much we love each other. I feel sad for him that because he's gone, that his daughters and son never really got to know each other.

I look around at his 13 grandchildren, 5 of which are my own and I know how much he would have loved and enjoyed them. I can see some of him in some of them....

Mostly I'm sad for the good man that got lost and I hope that he was found.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fall Update

So, it's been a month since I've written again. Not a whole lot has happened,but yet a lot has! Things are still going well with Michael and Brittany in their "setting up house" stage. I've only had to "ref" two arguments. Michael so far seems to actually be gaining some maturity and I'm proud and relieved to see it. He is still selling cars at the Chevy store and doing ok. He wants to hang in and build this as his career. He still calls every single night to tell his sisters and his mama goodnight and it makes my heart melt. He really loves his family. Missy and Kadie are there with them tonight, playing Wii and eating junk food. He's a good boy.

Meg, Missy and Kadie have gone back to school. I can not believe that Meggie is a Jr. I'm very proud of her and how well she is doing. She has worked so hard and come so far. I'm very proud of the choices that she is making, my future bio teacher. She is stubborn, strong willed, opinionated and a little high maintenance. She also loves her daddy (thinks he's the greatest man ever) and her baby sister. Meagan thinks she's still very independent, and is, except she yells mama even more then the middle girls and still wants to lay in my room with me to talk. I'm so glad.

Missy is enjoying 6th grade with one of my former teachers. She is turning into a young lady and social butterfly more every day. She is also more and more like me. We discussed today how she wants to marry a rich farmer and have 6-8 kids! Yes, I do push her to get an education which she fully intends to do, why? " That way if times get tough for farmers we can still support all our kids with my money!" She might have it all figured out. She's also funny and smart and loving.

Kadie is in 5th grade and has the same teacher she had for 1st grade as they have done some shuffling around. It just so happens that it's her fave teacher ever so she's thrilled. We are anxiously awaiting basktball season, I can't wait to see what my star player does this year on the court. There has never been a less selfish and more giving child then Kadie. She's amazing. Never complains about anything.

Little Sister is growing by leaps and bounds and so sad that her sibs are back at school. She is starting to really talk a lot and is fun to have little mini conversations with. A few months ago she wasn't wanting to be worn as much but recently she loves being snuggled in a carrier again. YAY! In fact, she'll go get one and bring it to me for snuggles and "nummy" time. At bedtime she wants Mike and I both laying down with her. So sweet. Loves her brother and sisters and has such sweet special relationships with each of them individually. At meal times she reaches out to hold my hand for prayer and says Amen with the family.

We really need a family picture taken this fall. Everyone has changed so much. OH, Mike had an eye exam and was recommended for bifocals, he refused them but is devasted and thinks he's old this week. Poor man.

Monday, August 11, 2008

BTW, New puppy too!

Saturday night Meg snuck a puppy home. She was really very clever about it "Mom, you have to come outside and see this, there is a stray dog in the pen with Charlie!!!" (the basset) So, I went outside and looked and sure enough there was. Not that I believed it was a stray. So after much drama, a lost then found again puppy that we weren't even supposed to have.............................Puppy is the newest member of our household. She is a Beagle????? Mix

Twenty years!

Mike and I will be married for twenty years on Wednesday. Yesterday, for the first time he surprised me with a small intimate party with our closest family and friends. Also with a beautiful necklace. I can't tell you what a beautiful thing this was because it's not something he would ordinarily do. He loves me very much, he's just not so good with the romantic. So, when he does do something small it makes it so much bigger, yesterday was HUGE!

We have come a long way in our twenty years. A LOT of people didn't think we would make it. We have. I have to believe that we will continue. Twenty years ago when we started it was tough! I was 4 months pregnant with our first child and we didn't have a penny. Thank God for our family or we would have slept on the floor of our little house. In these last twenty years we have fought A LOT, and we have made up A LOT!! We've almost broke up and almost gone broke, more times then I can count. There have been times when we really wanted to throw in the towel....and didn't.

We've made it through the rich times and poor times. Through nursing school, broke with 4 young children. Long hours at work, 1st him, then me and sometimes both. A flood. Living with inlaws. His family, my family. ( personally i still believe my family is amazing) Depression, both of us. We don't have a lot in common. BUT! We love each other our children and we are STUBBORN!!

In these twenty years believe it or not the good still stands out so much stronger. The Lord has strongly blessed our marriage and our family. Together we have made 5 beautiful, healthy children that love us and love each other. We sit down at the table together at night and hold hands and pray together. At this point in our life and marriage when I think back, it's not of the bad times, but of the good. Mike playing hide and seek under the dining room table in Hull with just the two oldest. I could ramble on about it for hours or pages. I'll just end it by saying that when Mike gets on his knees to paint the toenails of our youngest baby, it still takes my breath away as much as when I saw him hold our first one. Thank you God!

Prom about 4 months before we got married

Yesterday at our Party

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Baby

Today was Little Sisters 15 month check up. Tomorrow she is officially 15 months old. I can't believe it!! I'm curious where all the time has flown. Her official stats are 20 lbs 6 oz and 30 3/4 inches, so she is short and thin on the famous growth chart, just like her sisters. However at 6 months she was such a little chub! I think I'm going to post some pics to show the difference later. OH, her head circ is in the 75th percentile. Big head, typical of breastfed babies.

Let me tell you about Sis. She is smart! Often to smart for my own good, and she uses this often to her advantage. She can say everyone in the immediate families names, plus, some of the cousins and one of the Aunts. Actually, she can give a pretty good attempt at saying whatever word you ask her too. Some you don't even.





Bye Bye




About nummies, all of my children have been breastfed, these last three for extended time. Missy, Kadie and Maddi. All three have called them nummies while breastfeeding. Sister however is the first breastfeeding acrobat I encountered. Sometimes while nursing she might be standing on my legs with her bottom in the air, its crazy looking. Heaven help the person in the "nummy chair" when she's tired and grouchy!!

She still sleeps with Mike and I everynight, we have a side car setup with her crib. She can't stand to have covers on her and will kick them off immediately every time.

At meal time she knows it's prayer time and will hold my hand quietly until the Amen, which she repeats.

I could go on and on and on. She just continues to be an amazing blessing for our entire family. Hmmm, just like her siblings.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Meg and Missy

Meg and Missy got their updated pics taken about a month ago. All by my amazing photographer sister Lish Steinmann.



Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ahhh Summer

Well, summer break is not only here but 1/2 over already. I can't believe it and neither can the kids. I LOOOOVVVVEEEE summer time with the kids. I love no real schedule, no getting them up early. Swimming all day, sandwiches for lunch so we can hurry back outside, millions of popsicles. I love love love it!!

It seems like the kids are all having a good time. Michael has been selling cars for several months now and has had a really good month. He plans on moving out next week and in with his girlfriend, I may or may not write more about this later depending on how emotional I'm feeling about it. Meggie is keeping very busy working as a janitor at our school this summer, it's hard work but she has never minded that and loves the end results $$$$$. Missy has swam lots and spent lots of time with her girlfriends. Kadie is wrapping up her softball season and ready to just hang out the rest of the summer, at least until soccer starts. Little sister is just in heaven that her sisters are home. Her summer activities include leading her sisters to do her every whim, brother also when he is not at work. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with her in 6 weeks when everyone goes back, it will be rough.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I can't believe it's been a month since I wrote. I'm all excited about blogging, I really am but life has been insane!!! Little sister was sick for 2 weeks, her and Kadie had their birthdays and the following celebration. Mike has started working on our deck which, btw, I fear is going to become a 3 year project. Anyway, things are settling a bit and I hope to be able to commit more time to this. Oh, besides the above mentioned craziness of the last month I went insane and cut myself some bangs, their hideous really. More on that later, or maybe not. I'm in denial.

The kids are all doing really well. Michael and his girlfriend attended prom over the weekend, apparently a good time was had by girlfriend and Michael wasnt too poopy. The older girls only have about a month of school left. They are SOOOO hyper. Kadie can barely contain herself. Missy is going to miss social hour and is concerned about how much friend time she's going to get. Meggie is ready to not have tests etc. and hoping for good news on the student janitor position so she doesn't have to go to McD's. Say a little prayer she gets it. Little sister is feeling much better and is so fun!! Runs the house pretty much.

The adults. Mike is building a deck. No more necessary.

I cut my bangs. YIKES!!

Gas is ridiculous, the economy is scary. However, God is good!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008


I can't believe the weekend flew by so quickly. It was nice, not outside but just nice. Lish came over on Saturday to take pics of Kadie and Maddi for their upcoming 10th and 1st bdays, can't believe that day is almost here. Crazy. One of these days when Lish gets a photo site up and running I'll post a link to it. She's very talented and I'm very proud of her. So, Saturday morning got to spend time with Lish, Courtney and Logan. Sis was a HUGE Logans girl and just wanted to give him lots of lovins. She does the same thing with Eyan. Soooo cute!! I love how the cousins all love each other too.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Just Sweet

I'm just kinda grouchy today, or woke up that way anyway, which btw was at 5:30 am cuz the baby sister decided so :) . Got the son up and around on the way to work, NEVER an easy job. The big girls off to school looked around the messy house, which did NOT help my mood, not even a little. Hubby called and irritated me, no real reason, he just did. About 9:10 Sis drifted off for a little nap, which she promptly awoke from by 9:20. Mood not improving, neither was messy house. Then she was ready to sit and snuggle and nurse awhile, I do always love sitting and snuggle/nursing my little ones. Today however while she was nursing I was mentally going over my todo list. Then, she reached up and rubbed my cheek sooooooooo sweetly saying mama and looking at me with the loviest schmoopiest face ever. Awww, then to make it even better she sat straight up and gave me the biggest kiss and then lay back down to nurse and rub mamas face. Precious!! These are the moments I live for. Thank you God.

By the way, she is currently smooshing puffs in the carpet but now I don't care. Life is GOOD!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Hmmmmm, interesting. As I've mentioned previously after having Kadie I knew I still wanted another child and prayed about it for years and was very thankfully blessed with our Maddi last year. When I first got pregnant with Sis I was pretty sure that she was going to be our last one. However, since I've had her I've had this little niggling doubt in my mind, something/someone telling me hang on just a minute. Of course it doesn't help that all the sisters (my girls ) want her to have a sibling close to her age like they did and Meagan especially fervently prays for it. So, I've been praying about it myself and trying to decipher what is God's will for us. Last night the girls and I were talking about how they think Mike and I should celebrate our 20th anniversary this coming summer and Meagan thinks we should renew our vows , as soon as she said that it came to my mind that I would prefer to wait until our 25th so that all the kids could be there. Hmmmm, I don't know what this means, but I do know that I will continue to pray for Gods will in all area of my life including this one.

Now, some people will on reading this decide I am insane for even pondering this, including members of my family and close friends. Well, duh, I am insane and crazy!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Weekend and other info

Well, the kids are all back to school or in Michaels case work. The older girls had a 6 day Easter break so poor Maddi is wondering around wondering where all her playmates are today. We had a really nice time. Quiet, didn't do a whole lot but it was nice. Easter the girls and I went to church and then we came home and didn't do a whole lot. Michael got home from Britneys ( girlfriend, probably my future daughter in law) and spent some time playing games and giggling like a girl with his sisters. Mike and I lay in bed with Sissy and listened to them all for about an hour that night. How blessed we are that our kids are so close. Not a single fight among them all day!!

Monday was my moms birthday, so, I loaded up Missy, Kadie, Sissy and Nicole ( wonderful niece on Mikes side that has been adopted by my side) and went to moms. Lish and Ab were there and most of the nieces and nephews, Logan had boyscout event so we didn't get to see him and Tory and Gregg didn't stay long. What a mix we have at moms, young adults, teenagers, tweens, preschoolers and babies!! So fun!!

Because I forgot my camera and Lish hasn't sent me any from hers the picture you see is mom with ALL her grandkids from Christmas. It's getting really difficult to get everyone together anymore, especially the four oldest.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Big boy, Little Girl

A precious picture of my big boy and my baby girl. I can't tell you how special it is for me to see the bond between them. This picture was taken earlier this week on a gorgeous day and big brother just couldn't wait to take her out to play. I really treasure these moments between them, especially knowing that he's planning on moving out soon, UGH!! It's crazy to think about but he may be walking across his own yard with his own baby the next time I turn around.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What that means?

I had my first baby 12 days after I turned 18. Oh man, I was in love with that little boy, still am 19 years later. Over the next 13 years I had my first 3 daughters and fell in love 3 more times. Mike worked really hard and I was able to stay home for those 13 years. Unfortunately due to bad financial decisions on my part (ugh credit cards) we had to make the decision for me to go to school and start a career. So, in the fall of 2001 I started LPN school at our local community college, I graduated in December 2002. I worked at the same local nursing home for most of the next 5 years, working my way up from CNA to LPN then department manager, first managing the Assisted Living for a couple years then moving on to the Alzheimers Special Care Unit. Wow did life get busy the last 2 -3 years I worked. Many late nights, overnight trips I was missing out on more and more time with my husband and my babies who were starting to not really be babies anymore and it was breaking my heart. Now, I need to explain quickly that during this time, even when I started and believed a little I wanted a career I also still knew my heart wanted more children and I prayed for that often. Soo......

In August 06 Mike the girls and I took a little 2 night trip. ( Michael had to work and stayed with his girlfriends family.) I was miserable, had a terrible stomach bug, couldn't eat anything and just wanted to sit, or maybe lay down. We got home on Saturday morning and I looked at the calendar to see what the upcoming week was bringing and noticed, hmmmm, where in the world had my period been for the last 5-6 days??? I did not think I could be pregnant, not really. I had to go to Walmart and pick up a few things that afternoon and grabbed a pregnancy test, I distinctly remember telling the checkout girl that I would probably start as soon as i tested. WRONG!!!! The test was positive before I stopped peeing!! Shock!!! I prayed for this baby for 8 1/2 years and finally.........YAY!!!!! Oh my goodness, Mike is gonna freak! YAY!!! Thank you Jesus!! Thank you Jesus!!! Thank you Jesus!!! Oh my, I'm old!! I'm MUCH older then before!! Thank you Jesus!!!!! Ok you get the picture, these were my thoughts those few minutes in the bathroom before I stepped out to get Mike and bring him in on the surprise.

Now, another little detour, Mike is a wonderful wonderful man that loves his children endlessly, once they get here, he has however not reacted well to a pregnancy since Meg. In the 8 1/2 years since I had Kadie we had many a birth control malfunction, even at times that I was fertile and no babies. In July 06 we were not getting along, only were together 3 times because of this and not at times I believed myself to be fertile, slight change in b/c that should not have made a difference. And, here we were, me 35 almost 36, Mike just turned 41 and pregnant. Again, Thank you Jesus!!! Mike was more like well, maybe a few words I wouldn't choose.

We decided not to tell the children right away, however..............Another detour, I of course did tell my best friend forever, My Rob I call her right away, ironically she was the first person to know about Michael years before, even before Mike, shhh, he doesn't like me to remind him of that. Anyway, though sworn to secrecy she told her parents that live in Georgia so they would pray for me and the pregnancy etc. plus I think she thought it was funny a little. So they mentioned it to her Grandma who lives in our small county who mentioned it to Aunt "J". Ok, so after my first MD appt I'm eating at Applebees with a friend when here comes Aunt "J" and her daughter so happy and excited for me, Congratulations etc. cleaning off the table next to me was a lady from our town, guess what, her son goes to school with Meg, so we told the kids that night, the girls anyway, I had already told Michael the night before to prepare him in advance. At first they all thought we were lying but got excited fairly quickly.

Morning sickness, never had it before until this pregnancy!!! Hard to keep it a secret when I worked with women. Aunt Janice and Rachel figured it out right away, Rachels words were something like " You're puking again and you haven't had cramps yet, you're pregnant!" I was also blessed enough to share my pregnancy with Gina, who had her little Sylvia 3 weeks before I had Maddi. The morning sickness was interesting, and made it impossible to keep my pregnancy a secret. I was so happy about the new blessing on the way that I did thank God even while gagging over the toilet.

In December we found out that we were having our fourth little girl, something I suspected already. We also decided on Madilynn Alyshia, for my sister Lish, I will go into names in another post.

Ok, this is turning very long. Anyway. Through prayer I decided that I should resign my position, not a terribly hard choice since home had been calling me anyway. However, convincing Mike took work. So, in february I gave notice and in March I was done!!

On April 16th 2007 Maddi was born. Her daddy and I and Aunt Lish were there and Aunt Lish cut the cord. She has been an amazing blessing for our entire family and I believe brought us even closer together.

Here is what staying home again means to me. God wanted me here with my children where I belong. In answering my prayers for another child he paved the way for me to be home. Some people might look at the paycheck I gave up, so called prestigious job in management etc. All that I see is the blessings of my life. The joy all my children have now that I'm home again. Life is crazy, but in such a good way.

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed When they speak with their enemies in the gate.
Psalm 127:3-5 (NASB)