Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day

I had a fantastic Mothers Day. I LOVE this picture. It's probably not the best "quality" picture in the world but I really love it. Sis adores her brother and won't let him out of her sight when he's here. I was worried about how him moving out last summer would affect their closeness and it hasn't at all. I absolutely love watching them together and it seems like they get closer and closer. It's a beautiful thing to watch. Only problem is he laughs at everything she does and trust me she doesn't need the encouragement!
I didn't get anything fancy or do anything fancy for Mothers Day but it was a nearly perfect day. The only thing that could have made it better was Meg being home all day, she had to work and missed lunch. Michael got here early though so I did have a little time with them all together and they gave me my big huge poster board card, best one so far. We just talked and watched the kids play and ate lunch then I took a nap. I can't wait until next year when Mellie is running around with the rest of the kids.