Monday, March 31, 2008


I can't believe the weekend flew by so quickly. It was nice, not outside but just nice. Lish came over on Saturday to take pics of Kadie and Maddi for their upcoming 10th and 1st bdays, can't believe that day is almost here. Crazy. One of these days when Lish gets a photo site up and running I'll post a link to it. She's very talented and I'm very proud of her. So, Saturday morning got to spend time with Lish, Courtney and Logan. Sis was a HUGE Logans girl and just wanted to give him lots of lovins. She does the same thing with Eyan. Soooo cute!! I love how the cousins all love each other too.


Rochelle said...

Wow, they are so very precious. Thanks for sharing the pictures! By the way, send Lish over to this cool site You can create your own free site there... at least that'd help get her started. Here's a link to my best friend Tracie's site on there:

Beckielou said...

Steph, I love it. This is so cool.
You are @ your best being a stay @ home mom, no matter what the kids ages are, they need you.
Keep it up, it is so neat.