Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Weekend and other info

Well, the kids are all back to school or in Michaels case work. The older girls had a 6 day Easter break so poor Maddi is wondering around wondering where all her playmates are today. We had a really nice time. Quiet, didn't do a whole lot but it was nice. Easter the girls and I went to church and then we came home and didn't do a whole lot. Michael got home from Britneys ( girlfriend, probably my future daughter in law) and spent some time playing games and giggling like a girl with his sisters. Mike and I lay in bed with Sissy and listened to them all for about an hour that night. How blessed we are that our kids are so close. Not a single fight among them all day!!

Monday was my moms birthday, so, I loaded up Missy, Kadie, Sissy and Nicole ( wonderful niece on Mikes side that has been adopted by my side) and went to moms. Lish and Ab were there and most of the nieces and nephews, Logan had boyscout event so we didn't get to see him and Tory and Gregg didn't stay long. What a mix we have at moms, young adults, teenagers, tweens, preschoolers and babies!! So fun!!

Because I forgot my camera and Lish hasn't sent me any from hers the picture you see is mom with ALL her grandkids from Christmas. It's getting really difficult to get everyone together anymore, especially the four oldest.

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