Thursday, March 27, 2008


Hmmmmm, interesting. As I've mentioned previously after having Kadie I knew I still wanted another child and prayed about it for years and was very thankfully blessed with our Maddi last year. When I first got pregnant with Sis I was pretty sure that she was going to be our last one. However, since I've had her I've had this little niggling doubt in my mind, something/someone telling me hang on just a minute. Of course it doesn't help that all the sisters (my girls ) want her to have a sibling close to her age like they did and Meagan especially fervently prays for it. So, I've been praying about it myself and trying to decipher what is God's will for us. Last night the girls and I were talking about how they think Mike and I should celebrate our 20th anniversary this coming summer and Meagan thinks we should renew our vows , as soon as she said that it came to my mind that I would prefer to wait until our 25th so that all the kids could be there. Hmmmm, I don't know what this means, but I do know that I will continue to pray for Gods will in all area of my life including this one.

Now, some people will on reading this decide I am insane for even pondering this, including members of my family and close friends. Well, duh, I am insane and crazy!!

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

I think that is great! If you and Mike feel you do want more kids and God is leading you in that direction, that is absolutely terrific! You guys have a great family... and you are great parents... not everyone is like that and I think you are very blessed w/ the kids you have and deserve to have more if you feel it's right for you. I will be praying for you!