Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Baby

Today was Little Sisters 15 month check up. Tomorrow she is officially 15 months old. I can't believe it!! I'm curious where all the time has flown. Her official stats are 20 lbs 6 oz and 30 3/4 inches, so she is short and thin on the famous growth chart, just like her sisters. However at 6 months she was such a little chub! I think I'm going to post some pics to show the difference later. OH, her head circ is in the 75th percentile. Big head, typical of breastfed babies.

Let me tell you about Sis. She is smart! Often to smart for my own good, and she uses this often to her advantage. She can say everyone in the immediate families names, plus, some of the cousins and one of the Aunts. Actually, she can give a pretty good attempt at saying whatever word you ask her too. Some you don't even.





Bye Bye




About nummies, all of my children have been breastfed, these last three for extended time. Missy, Kadie and Maddi. All three have called them nummies while breastfeeding. Sister however is the first breastfeeding acrobat I encountered. Sometimes while nursing she might be standing on my legs with her bottom in the air, its crazy looking. Heaven help the person in the "nummy chair" when she's tired and grouchy!!

She still sleeps with Mike and I everynight, we have a side car setup with her crib. She can't stand to have covers on her and will kick them off immediately every time.

At meal time she knows it's prayer time and will hold my hand quietly until the Amen, which she repeats.

I could go on and on and on. She just continues to be an amazing blessing for our entire family. Hmmm, just like her siblings.

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

Awww! She is so sweet & precious! I cannot wait to meet this adorable addition to your family. I just cannot believe she's already 15 months! Wow.