Monday, August 11, 2008

Twenty years!

Mike and I will be married for twenty years on Wednesday. Yesterday, for the first time he surprised me with a small intimate party with our closest family and friends. Also with a beautiful necklace. I can't tell you what a beautiful thing this was because it's not something he would ordinarily do. He loves me very much, he's just not so good with the romantic. So, when he does do something small it makes it so much bigger, yesterday was HUGE!

We have come a long way in our twenty years. A LOT of people didn't think we would make it. We have. I have to believe that we will continue. Twenty years ago when we started it was tough! I was 4 months pregnant with our first child and we didn't have a penny. Thank God for our family or we would have slept on the floor of our little house. In these last twenty years we have fought A LOT, and we have made up A LOT!! We've almost broke up and almost gone broke, more times then I can count. There have been times when we really wanted to throw in the towel....and didn't.

We've made it through the rich times and poor times. Through nursing school, broke with 4 young children. Long hours at work, 1st him, then me and sometimes both. A flood. Living with inlaws. His family, my family. ( personally i still believe my family is amazing) Depression, both of us. We don't have a lot in common. BUT! We love each other our children and we are STUBBORN!!

In these twenty years believe it or not the good still stands out so much stronger. The Lord has strongly blessed our marriage and our family. Together we have made 5 beautiful, healthy children that love us and love each other. We sit down at the table together at night and hold hands and pray together. At this point in our life and marriage when I think back, it's not of the bad times, but of the good. Mike playing hide and seek under the dining room table in Hull with just the two oldest. I could ramble on about it for hours or pages. I'll just end it by saying that when Mike gets on his knees to paint the toenails of our youngest baby, it still takes my breath away as much as when I saw him hold our first one. Thank you God!

Prom about 4 months before we got married

Yesterday at our Party

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

Congrats again! That is so great!! And it was really nice to read your reflections over the past 20 years.

Keep pressing on, and God be with you!
