Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ahhh Summer

Well, summer break is not only here but 1/2 over already. I can't believe it and neither can the kids. I LOOOOVVVVEEEE summer time with the kids. I love no real schedule, no getting them up early. Swimming all day, sandwiches for lunch so we can hurry back outside, millions of popsicles. I love love love it!!

It seems like the kids are all having a good time. Michael has been selling cars for several months now and has had a really good month. He plans on moving out next week and in with his girlfriend, I may or may not write more about this later depending on how emotional I'm feeling about it. Meggie is keeping very busy working as a janitor at our school this summer, it's hard work but she has never minded that and loves the end results $$$$$. Missy has swam lots and spent lots of time with her girlfriends. Kadie is wrapping up her softball season and ready to just hang out the rest of the summer, at least until soccer starts. Little sister is just in heaven that her sisters are home. Her summer activities include leading her sisters to do her every whim, brother also when he is not at work. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with her in 6 weeks when everyone goes back, it will be rough.

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