Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sissy is 18 months!!


We went for Maddis 18 month check up today, WOW, I can't believe she's already 1 1/2. Anyway, she's doing very well, meets or exceeds all expectations for her age. She acted like the little diva she is showing off her outfit to everyone in the office, espcecially her new boots she conned me into at Old Navy. Oh, her stats 22.2 lbs and 32 inches. Tall and skinny on the growth chart. The picture is of her dancing on the front porch in her new snow boots.


Rochelle said...

Hard to believe she's so big!!

Rochelle said...

You've been tagged! It's just for fun, so only join in if you want to, no pressure though. http://rochelle-learning-to-trust.blogspot.com/2008/12/quirky-things.html