Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fall Update

So, it's been a month since I've written again. Not a whole lot has happened,but yet a lot has! Things are still going well with Michael and Brittany in their "setting up house" stage. I've only had to "ref" two arguments. Michael so far seems to actually be gaining some maturity and I'm proud and relieved to see it. He is still selling cars at the Chevy store and doing ok. He wants to hang in and build this as his career. He still calls every single night to tell his sisters and his mama goodnight and it makes my heart melt. He really loves his family. Missy and Kadie are there with them tonight, playing Wii and eating junk food. He's a good boy.

Meg, Missy and Kadie have gone back to school. I can not believe that Meggie is a Jr. I'm very proud of her and how well she is doing. She has worked so hard and come so far. I'm very proud of the choices that she is making, my future bio teacher. She is stubborn, strong willed, opinionated and a little high maintenance. She also loves her daddy (thinks he's the greatest man ever) and her baby sister. Meagan thinks she's still very independent, and is, except she yells mama even more then the middle girls and still wants to lay in my room with me to talk. I'm so glad.

Missy is enjoying 6th grade with one of my former teachers. She is turning into a young lady and social butterfly more every day. She is also more and more like me. We discussed today how she wants to marry a rich farmer and have 6-8 kids! Yes, I do push her to get an education which she fully intends to do, why? " That way if times get tough for farmers we can still support all our kids with my money!" She might have it all figured out. She's also funny and smart and loving.

Kadie is in 5th grade and has the same teacher she had for 1st grade as they have done some shuffling around. It just so happens that it's her fave teacher ever so she's thrilled. We are anxiously awaiting basktball season, I can't wait to see what my star player does this year on the court. There has never been a less selfish and more giving child then Kadie. She's amazing. Never complains about anything.

Little Sister is growing by leaps and bounds and so sad that her sibs are back at school. She is starting to really talk a lot and is fun to have little mini conversations with. A few months ago she wasn't wanting to be worn as much but recently she loves being snuggled in a carrier again. YAY! In fact, she'll go get one and bring it to me for snuggles and "nummy" time. At bedtime she wants Mike and I both laying down with her. So sweet. Loves her brother and sisters and has such sweet special relationships with each of them individually. At meal times she reaches out to hold my hand for prayer and says Amen with the family.

We really need a family picture taken this fall. Everyone has changed so much. OH, Mike had an eye exam and was recommended for bifocals, he refused them but is devasted and thinks he's old this week. Poor man.

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

I love soooo much hearing these wonderful family updates. Your kids sound absolutely special and terrific! Thank you so much for sharing these details. It makes me feel so much closer to you despite being so far apart.

I'm coming to Qcy 9/26-9/28 and staying with my best friend just outside of town to the east a little off Broadway. I'm coming back for a high school's friend's bridal shower. I think. My schedule is so busy it's hard to come but I really want to. We'll see. I don't know that I'd really have much extra time but will try to give you a call if I can while I'm there in case you want to come in and we could do lunch or something.